
Setapp hack
Setapp hack

setapp hack

I prefer to mark up PDF documents for review using hand-written text. The sad part is, my needs for annotation are not well covered by the approach taken by PDFExpert, they are covered perfectly the approach taken by MarginNote. When you want to make use of the approach taken by MarginNote to create annotations (and it is a beautiful approach indeed), you have to hack together your own way to get PDF documents in and out of its world to mesh them back to other apps.

setapp hack


In a nutshell, I don’t sense any interest by the MarginNote team to figure out how to make MarginNote operate outside its own world view. becoming competitive with apps such as PDFExpert (or others like it). This runs counter to an investment of resources to expand the usability of MarginNote as a stand-alone yet interoperable PDF annotation tool in its own right, e.g. I have a sense from this reading that the developer is going to continue foremost with a focus wherein annotations are the cornerstone to allow a (single) user to create and study connections in the content of a (PDF) document. I read between the lines of different postings on the MarginNote forum. Figuring that out has gotta be their top priority! MarginNote seems like such a dream, but the lacking interoperability hurts me too.

Setapp hack